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Yet Another Related Posts Plugin Review

When someone visits your website, you don’t want them to leave after reading just one page. YARPP (Yet Another Related Posts Plugin) uses an ingenious algorithm to determine which posts and pages are the most relevant to the current post. By giving your visitors the opportunity to easily read related content on your website, you can increase your visitors’ time on your website, and thus improve the chances of a purchase or the visitor contacting you. With YARPP, you don’t have to figure out which posts and pages are the most relevant – you can just let the plugin do it automatically.

Furthermore, the internal links generated by YARPP help your site’s SEO. By linking your posts to related content, you’re essentially “voting” for that content, and helping those posts and pages rank for their respective keywords.

Best Practices for Business Blogs

These days, it’s fairly common to see a blog on a business website. But if you aren’t blogging already, you may wonder why and how you should start.

  • Blogging is a friendly way to engage with your customers, prospective customers, and industry peers.
  • Blogging is generally great for SEO. Whenever you publish new content, you’re driving new search engine traffic to your site.