Adding Your Own Favicon
The favicon is the icon that appears in the browser bar and browser tabs when viewing your website. It also appears as the bookmark icon when a visitor bookmarks your website.
First, you will need to create a favicon file in the correct format. It must be exactly 16×16 pixels. Then activate the All In One Favicon plugin to set your favicon.
Changing the Theme Settings
If you are using a Genesis theme, the Genesis > Theme Settings menu allows you to make layout changes to your website.
Theme Settings Panels
- Information.
- General Settings.
- Primary Navigation.
- Primary Navigation Extras.
- Secondary Navigation.
- Comments/Trackbacks.
- Custom Feeds. If you want to use custom RSS feeds instead of the default RSS feeds. For example, if you have a FeedBurner feed, you may want to use that URL in order to track your RSS feed data in one place.
- Breadcrumbs. Recommended, especially for websites with multiple levels of pages. Breadcrumb navigation appears below the main navigation menu and helps your visitors to determine where they are on your website.
- Content Archives. If you have blog posts, you can use this panel to set how post archives are displayed.
- Blog Page. If you have blog posts, you can choose to display from a single category, exclude certain categories, and change the number of posts to display on your posts page.
- Header/Footer Scripts. For advanced users. This panel allows you to embed additional code in your header and footer.
Usability Tips
- Sans serif fonts, such as Arial, are the easiest to read on a computer screen. You should use 10-12 point font size and be consistent throughout the website. We recommend using one or two fonts throughout your website.
- Only use light blue text for links. Light blue is conventionally the color used for hyperlinks.
- Try to only use underlines for hyperlinks. Some visitors will expect underlined text to be a link.
- Use a high contrast between your text and background colors, preferably dark text on a light background.
- Your navigation text should be clear, concise, and descriptive. You should make it as easy as possible for your visitors to find what they are looking for.
- You should use left justified text. Do not use full justify or center aligned text if possible. Left justified text is easier for your visitors to follow along as they read the content.
- Don’t put words or sentences in all capital letters in your body content, unless it is an acronym or you absolutely need to provide emphasis through capital letters. We recommend using bold or headings to provide emphasis.