content management system

Why We Use WordPress

If you want to build a website, there are many ways to do it. You can manually write HTML code to create each page, but this is extremely limiting and time consuming. You can use desktop software programs such as Dreamweaver or FrontPage, which eliminate the need to know HTML. These will save you time, but they still limit you from using many features. You can create a website with Flash or other proprietary software, which lets you do much more than the previous options. But building and editing Flash websites is also extremely time consuming and requires an advanced set of skills.

Then, there is the modern solution: the website content management system. Typically, this software is installed on the web server and not your computer. You install and configure it on your hosting plan, and your website is up and running. You can then edit your website by logging in through a browser, which means you don’t have to have special software installed. Usually, you can make basic edits to your website without needing to know HTML or another programming language. There are some proprietary (paid) content management systems, but the free, open source alternatives are much more popular.